Complete description of the animal that includes Species, breed, age, sex, reproductive status , other characteristics
Includes the following areas environment, diet, medical & reproductive history, vaccination status, current medications. description and history of chief/presenting complaint
3.1 General appearance Observe for any asymmetry or any difference in size or shape of extremities 3.2 Body condition / State of nutrition Assign Body Condition Score using standard nine point scale (BCS = 1-9) 3.3 Mentation / Level of…
Evaluated in relation to presenting complaint, history & current health status. 4.1 Body Weight Small animals: paediatric scale Med-Large animals: platform scale 4.2 Temperature Measurement using rectal thermometer. Also examine signs of diarrhoea, parasites, etc,. 4.3 Heart/Pulse rate Evaluate pulse at…
(Systems Approach or Head to Toe) 5.1 Head and Neck (EENT/Mouth) Starts with checking both sides of face and head for symmetry. 5.1.1 Eyes Assess eyes for size, position, discharge – lids, conjunctiva, sclera, pupil, cornea, lens. Check for discharge,…
Careful pre-operative assessment is necessary for selection of appropriate anesthetic protocols. Pre-anesthetic work up may be required to determine whether the patient will be accepted for surgery. Dogs 6 – 8 weeks DHPP General Dewormer 9-12 weeks DHPP Leptospira Bordetella…