(Systems Approach or Head to Toe)
5.1 Head and Neck (EENT/Mouth)
Starts with checking both sides of face and head for symmetry.
5.1.1 Eyes
Assess eyes for size, position, discharge – lids, conjunctiva, sclera, pupil, cornea, lens.
Check for discharge, inflammation, redness, uneven/abnormal pupil size, corneal
clouding, squinting
5.1.2 Nose
Evaluate nose and nares for symmetry, conformation, and abnormal discharge
5.1.3 Mouth
Examine oral cavity – lips, mucous membranes, teeth, hard and soft palate, tongue,
pharynx, tonsils
5.1.4 Ears
Evaluate carriage and position of ears, thickness/malleability of pinnae and
cleanliness of ear canals
5.1.5 Nodes and glands
Palpate the submandibular lymph nodes
Palpate salivary glands (normally palpable), larynx and thyroid gland (not normally
Palpate the trachea – note coughing, swelling,
5. 2 Trunk and Limbs
Inspect body for symmetry, masses, tenderness, etc.
5.2.1 Limb & Joints
Palpate each limb and joint for checking abnormalities in angulation, deformities,
swelling, bleeding, bony protrusions, obvious fractures or joint luxations, range of
motion, atrophy, knuckling, crepitus, etc.
Assess all limbs in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing positions and the
condition of the feet, nails or hooves
5.2.2 Evaluate muscle mass and tone
We need to write something here…
5.2.3 Skin & Coat
Examine skin and haircoat for alopecia, masses, parasites, dryness, excessive oil,
matting, etc. Include identification of ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, lice).
Checking for fungal infection using woods lamp??
5.2.4 Pelvic, Vertebra and lymph nodes
Palpate pelvic region for conformation and symmetry
Palpate vertebral column to assess for deviations and pain
Palpate peripheral lymph nodes (PLN): submandibular, prescapular, axillary, inguinal
and popliteal
5.3 Thorax
Observe and palpate the thorax for conformation, symmetry, masses, etc.
5.3.1 Cardiac auscultation (CV)
Evaluate heart rate (HR) and rhythm Murmur
Respiratory auscultation (RESP)
Respiratory Rate (RR) – assess visually or auscult and count breaths/minute
Depth / Effort –degree of chest movement (normal, shallow, deep)
Character –sounds and any difficulty on inspiration and/or expiration
5.4 Abdomen
Inspect for distention, deformity, displacement, symmetry, &bruising
Auscultate abdomen to detect intestinal hypermotility or hypomotility
Abdominal palpation
Assess the size and location and the presence of, fluid, gas, fetuses, masses or feces. Note any
pain or guarding of the abdomen.
5.5 External Genitalia and Perineum
I nspect perianal area for hair mats, hernias, feces, masses and evidence of discharge
In dogs – Check for impacted or abscessed anal sacs
Inspect prepuce and penis-noting any discharge, inflammation, tumors
If intact – inspect both testicles for symmetry, size, location (both descended) and
Palpate and visually assess mammary glands for tumors, cysts, swelling, heat or
Inspect vulva for size, inflammation, discharge (blood, pus), polyps, tumors or
structural defects